Do They Still Make Jolt Cola?

Jolt Cola, America’s first carbonated energy drink, appears to have been discontinued. It was reintroduced to the market in September 2017 and was being sold at Dollar General, Casey’s General Store, and on Amazon. When you visit the Amazon Jolt page, it states that it is “currently unavailable”. Additionally, Jolt’s social media pages show comments

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Is Yoo-Hoo Carbonated?

Q: Is Yoo-Hoo a carbonated beverage? Yoo-hoo is not a carbonated beverage. It comes in a bottle, can, or drink box. Upon opening one of these containers, there is no carbonation or fizz associated with the drink. Instead, you obtain a smooth chocolaty flavor similar to chocolate milk. Keep in mind that Yoo-Hoo is not

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Do They Still Make Nerds Rope?

Yes, they still make Nerds Rope. The candy is made by the Ferrara Candy Company who also makes other popular candies such as SweeTarts, Fun Dip, Pixy Stix, Laffy Taffy, and many more favorites. Keep reading to see the various Nerds Ropes available for you to enjoy! Classic Nerd Ropes The three primary Nerds Rope

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Does Red Bull Have Alcohol In It?

Q: Is there alcohol in Red Bull? No, Red Bull does not have alcohol. It is a non-alcoholic beverage. The ingredients in an Original Red Bull are: Carbonated water, sugar, glucose, citric acid, taurine, natural and artificial flavors, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), magnesium carbonate, colors, caffeine, niacinamide, pyridoxine hcl (vitamin b6), calcium pantothenate, vitamin b12.

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