Does Snapple Kiwi Strawberry Have Caffeine?

Q: Does Snapple Kiwi Strawberry have caffeine?

Snapple Kiwi Strawberry does not contain caffeine. It is caffeine-free because it does not contain tea or other ingredients that would contribute to the caffeine content. The Snapple bottled products that do not contain tea, like Kiwi Strawberry and Snapple Apple, do not have caffeine.

Snapple Kiwi Strawberry Caffeine

Caffeine(mg)Caffeine(mg)/fl oz
Snapple Kiwi Strawberry00


Filtered water, sugar, kiwi juice concentrate, citric acid, strawberry juice concentrate, acacia gum, natural flavors, vegetable juice concentrates (for color), ester gum

Nutrition Facts

Serving SizeCaloriesTotal FatSodiumTotal CarbohydratesTotal SugarsProtein
Snapple Kiwi Strawberry16 fl oz1900g15mg46g45g (42g are added sugar)0g

Image – Guian Boliday/flickr