Does Turkey Hill Iced Tea have Caffeine?

Turkey Hill Iced Tea does contain caffeine. The amount of caffeine in Turkey Hill Iced Tea varies based on the flavor you choose to drink. Even the decaffeinated iced teas have a small amount of caffeine.

Below we have supplied the caffeine content for the various Turkey Hill Iced Tea products. The company provides a range of caffeine in a particular flavor and not a specific amount of caffeine per serving.

ProductServing SizeCaffeine
Decaffeinated Iced Tea
12 fl oz (355mL)3mg to 8mg
Diet Decaffeinated Iced Tea12 fl oz (355mL)3mg to 8mg
Diet Green Tea12 fl oz (355mL)15mg to 22mg
Diet Iced Tea
12 fl oz (355mL)45mg to 82mg
Green Tea Mango12 fl oz (355mL) 15mg to 30mg
Lemonade Tea12 fl oz (355mL) 15mg to 30mg
Light Peach White Tea
12 fl oz (355mL)5mg to 10mg
Peach Tea 12 fl oz (355mL)45mg to 82mg
Sweet Tea12 fl oz (355mL)15mg to 22mg
Unsweetened Lemon Iced Tea12 fl oz (355mL)15mg to 22mg
Diet Blackberry Sweet Tea
12 fl oz (355mL) 6mg to 11mg
Diet Decaffeinated Orange Tea12 fl oz (355mL)3mg to 8mg
Diet Green Tea Mango
12 fl oz (355mL)22mg to 30 mg
Green Tea12 fl oz (355mL)15mg to 22mg
Iced Tea12 fl oz (355mL) 45mg to 82mg
Light Blueberry Oolong Tea
12 fl oz (355mL)5mg to 10mg
Orange Tea12 fl oz (355mL)15mg to 30mg
Raspberry Tea12 fl oz (355mL)45mg to 82mg
Unsweetened Iced Tea
12 fl oz (355mL)15mg to 22mg
